From A Seed
From A Seed Bronze. 12"
The Dark Secret
The Dark Secret Cedar. 28"
A sunseet For Two
A sunseet For Two Juniper. 13"
The Lift
The Lift Bronze,Dimond Willow, and Alabaster. 26"
A Moment With Hyakutake
A Moment With Hyakutake Bronze. 24"
Dream Of Freedom
Dream Of Freedom Pine. 14"
Family Juniper. 15"
In The Shade
In The Shade Juniper. 12"x12"
War Horse
War Horse Raku open pit fired clay. 24"x14"
Joan of Arc
Joan of Arc Juniper wood, Brazilian soapstone, coal base. 24"
Weeping Willow, Recalling The Sweet Scented Forest
Weeping Willow, Recalling The Sweet Scented Forest Diamond Willow. 14"
Blue Agony
Blue Agony marble. 10"x10"
Moonlit Rendzvous
Moonlit Rendzvous Bronze. 12"
When The Earth Gives Way
When The Earth Gives Way
Life Pine and alabaster
The Man In The Moon
The Man In The Moon Gysum. 24"x14"
The Offering
The Offering Juniper and alibaster
A Sunrise For Three
A Sunrise For Three Bronze. 13"
They Came In Through The Bathroom Window
They Came In Through The Bathroom Window High fired porcelain. 36"x26"
Confort Albabaster. 8"x10"
Asleep In Pompie
Asleep In Pompie Raku and dyes 28"x24"
Sarah Pine 11"
A Starry Night For Two
A Starry Night For Two Diamond willow. 14"
Letting Go
Letting Go Soapstone. 4"x12'
Moonlit Rendevous
Moonlit Rendevous Pine. 11"
In Shadow
In Shadow Diamond Willow and soapstone. 24"
The Whisper
The Whisper Juniper. 11"
Dino Bones
Dino Bones Clay. 28"x20"
Little Bigman
Little Bigman Juniper. 11"
Jester Mask
Jester Mask Open pit fired raku. 20"x11"
Masks clay
Queen Avalon
Queen Avalon Juniper. 12"x10"
Shapes Raku fired clay with dyes.
Two Faces Have Eye
Two Faces Have Eye Alabaster. 24"24"

The Last Tree

Diamond Willow 48"
